Myhockeyrankings was created as a way for supporters of youth hockey to share their enthusiasm for the sport. It began as a simple list of links to hundreds of clubs so users could quickly find clubs/teams to help with game scheduling. Links were helpful, but it soon became clear that they needed more in-depth information about each team, including its history, league, opponents, etc. It was soon clear that a team’s record did not accurately reflect their strength. This raised concerns about which team was really superior and the precise metrics by which you might identify a team’s strengths and weaknesses. Within a year, they understood that the website needed some kind of team rating or ranking in order to function as the tool they had envisioned.
MYHockey Rankings, which began as a search for like skilled opponents, has developed into a tool to aid youth hockey coaches, managers, players, and fans in learning more about the game they all love.
How does Myhockeyrankings Compute its Ratings ?
The ratings on MYHockey are calculated mathematically without the use of subjective weighting. Based on how well each team performs against other teams and how excellent those teams are, MYHockey calculates an average performance rating for each team. The average goal differential (“AGD”) and the intensity of the schedule (“SCHED”) are the two actual factors used to calculate this grade. AGD is currently determined by adding up each game’s goal differential up to a maximum of seven, dividing it by the total number of games played.

It is true that using a maximum game goal differential of 7 “penalises” teams that thoroughly outscore their opponents, but rating systems frequently use this strategy since it eliminates the motivation for teams to build up scores and permits them to play poorly by capping the statistical harm. By averaging the opponent ratings for each game, the strength of the schedule is determined. The final step is to combine AGD and SCHED to determine a team’s official rating. The average performance rating that transforms game scores into a quantitative representation of team performance is often used to determine a team’s rating instead of the team’s greatest or worst games.
The initial MYHockey website was released during the 2003–04 campaign. Over the years, a number of significant investments have been made to update the platform and expand the information available to hockey fans. The general public can still access MYHockey for free despite these investments owing to our sponsors, volunteers, and premium members. Although their registered volunteers, many of whom have contributed for five to ten years, form the basis of their information validation and collection today, every website visitor is a potential volunteer of information through their guest game score entry capabilities or through their change request system, which helps keep information on various ranking categories, leagues, clubs, rinks, and teams accurate and up to date.
Anyone interested in premium services or who wants to contribute money to help MYHockey ( ) develop can purchase memberships at a moderate cost .
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