Lainie Holleman has been featured in Modelz View Magazine March 2021 Part III as Queen of the month .She has also been featured in other top glamour magazines laying claim to being the top Hot rising Model from North Carolina. 23 years old Lainie Holleman’s height is 5 ft 9 inches . You can see her hot Photoshoot in Modelz View Magazine March 2021 Issue 214.Here we are presenting an exclusive interview with her:
Lainie Holleman Interview
Where are you from, and how would you describe your life growing up?
I’m from Garner, North Carolina and I would describe my life growing up to be very suburban
and “normal” honestly. I lived in a golfing community and had plenty of kids my age to play
with outside every day. I was always on the neighborhood swim team with all my little friends
and we all went to school together as well!
How did you find your way in front of a camera, modeling?
My friends had always told me that I knew my way around a camera and have always complimented me on how photogenic I was so I decided to try to turn my natural modeling skills into something!
What do you like best about being a model?
I love being all dolled up and dressed up for shoots. It makes me feel confident and like nothing can stop me. I don’t usually wear makeup, pretty rarely actually, so shoots are special occasions for me! I love putting outfits together and being creative.
Besides modeling what is the most important thing in your life? Do you have any unusual
The most important things in my life besides modeling are my dog and my cats! My dog is my world and a giant baby! My cats, Milo and Gizmo, always know how to cheer me up. The
unconditional love I get from my animals truly keeps me going and is the reason I get out of bed every day!
We all need support in life. Where do you get your support? What or who inspires you?
I get my support from my mom, Kim, and my boyfriend, Hudson. They are always there for me when I need it and always support everything I do. They push me to be a better person. My mom has supported me from the start and she has always done absolutely everything she can to make sure I get everything I need and want out of life. She is definitely my inspiration. I can only dream of becoming the women my mom is today. She goes above and beyond with everything she does. I can’t even begin to thank her for everything she has done for me. I love you mom!!
What do you think is the most challenging thing about modeling and what advice would you give to new models?
I feel like there shouldn’t be anything challenging about modeling! I always have a good time
and I don’t ever feel obligated to get them done. I enjoy my time in the location and with the
people I’m with. If anything, the most challenging thing about modeling is constantly having to make sure you hair and makeup look perfect (especially when it’s windy) and the various outfit changes in weird places in public!!
What is your favorite way to relax? What do you do for fun?
My favorite way to relax and have fun is being in the outdoors. I enjoy hunting, fishing,
kayaking, and pretty much anything that involves being outside. I travel around the United States during hunting season to hunt various game in different places which is an absolutely amazing opportunity. I love doing what I’m passionate about around the nation because the experiences are all different no matter where you go! It’s also an amazing feeling knowing where my meat in my freezer comes from.
You look amazing. What do you recommend for those wanting to keep in shape?
Being happy!! Eat what you want and exercise if you want to. Life is too short to do things you
don’t want to do!

What would you consider your sexiest, strongest attribute? What do guys compliment you most on?
My strongest attribute is my courage. I am not afraid to be brutally honest. I don’t take any crap and I know what I deserve in life so I will not settle for less. Hunting also takes quite a bit of courage too. Walking to the deer stand alone in the woods in the dark and being waist deep in swamp water hunting ducks takes some balls. Guys have always complimented me on how tough I am because of that. I have always been known as a strong person and I am proud of that.
Please share something about yourself that may surprise others.
My dog is a 160 pound Great Dane! He weighs much more than I do and he is much taller than I am, standing at 6’ 4 on his hind legs. He surprises everyone that ever encounters him!!
What is the most adventurous thing you have ever done?
I flew across the country to North Dakota by myself to duck and goose hunt back in October!
That was pretty adventurous. I am also traveling by myself to Arkansas to hunt in December as well. Very exciting!!
What are your dreams and goals and ambitions?
I have dreams, goals, and ambitions to just be happy. I just want to be able to do all the things that make me happy and experience everything I’ve always wanted to experience. I don’t have specific goals, dreams, or ambitions to achieve any of that. I just want to go with wherever life takes me and do whatever I need to do in order to be able to be happy and experience things I’ve always wanted to.
If you were in a magical machine that could transport you to any place and time imaginable, where would you love to be? Why?
I would honestly love to be transported back to anytime when I was younger and didn’t have to adult or be responsible. This adulting thing really sucks!!
Are you a naughty girl, or a nice girl 😉 ?
To the public eye, I’m a nice girl (;
What’s one thing about yourself that everyone should know?
I might look like the epitome of a basic platinum blonde girly girl, but I am indeed the opposite!! I’ve always been told that I am one of the bros because all I ever wanted to do and talk about is hunting, fishing, or anything 4WD related!
Do you have any favorite quotes that you would like to share?
The strongest people are not those who show strength in front of us, but those who win battles we know nothing about.
What does being published in this Modelz View magazine mean to you?
I am so blessed to have the opportunity to be published in Modelz View. I have been a fan of this magazine for a while now so to be a part of it is honestly a dream come true
Note : This interview was first published in Modelz View Magazine March 2021 part III issue 214 along with her Beautiful photoshoot. don’t forget to check it out .
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