Gaia Rae is a renowned Tattooed model and internet sensation from New York,United States . She has graced the pages of Modelz View Magazine April 2021 Issue 215. She is an artist who typically works with paints over anything else .She describes herself as ‘old hippie soul.’ Gia talks about ups and downs of her life and modeling journey in this Exclusive Interview with Modelz View Magazine :
Gaia Rae Exclusive Interview
Where are you from, and how would you describe your life growing up?
I was born in Pennsylvania but moved to western NY when I was about 4 years old. I moved a bit throughout my childhood hopping from school to school. I attended a total of 5 different schools. It wasn’t easy by any means but having 4 other siblings helped guide me in the direction I ended up in.
How did you find your way in front of a camera, modeling?
I was named after Tyra Banks and a couple other artists that inspired me to pursue a dream that started off when I was 3 years of age. I attended modeling school through “Barbizon” when I was 15 but unfortunately nothing ever came of it. When I turned 20, that’s when I took “matters into my own hands” and reached out to a couple local photographers and set up my first real photoshoot. I haven’t stopped since.
What do you like best about being a model?
Being able to inspire others. I have dreams of changing the world someday and if that only affects a few dozen people throughout my life, then I will be thankful enough to have had the opportunity to change those perspectives.
Besides modeling what is the most important thing in your life? Do you have any unusual talents?
I’m an artist who typically works with paints over anything else. I haven’t painted any pieces recently but I did purchase a Nikon camera not too long ago to tamper into the photography world. I would like to capture my own perspective of the world to show ‘spectators’ another view of life. After all, I am an ‘old hippie soul.’ I would also like to mention that i’m not a professional by any means but I love interpretive dance!
We all need support in life. Where do you get your support? What or who inspires you?
Most of my friends and family provide the support in my life. As for inspiration; a very good friend of mine, Randy and his wife Deb inspire me most. They make me want to be the best person I can be, travel the world, gain cultures, change lives, etc! I wouldn’t be where I am today without them in my life.
What do you think is the most challenging thing about modeling and what advice would you give to new models?
It’s sad to say but judgement is a huge part of the industry. I have been turned down multiple times because of my tattoos. My tattoos are not trashy whatsoever and they tell a part of my story as a human being. It’s silly to me that colors on my skin make people turn their backs on me as a model/artist.
My advice to photographers; open your minds and get to know a person before judging them as a human based on their skin. My advice to models; never change who you are because you’re afraid to be yourself; radiate who you are and people will love you even more for it! People who are worth your valuable time will prove that!
What is your favorite way to relax? What do you do for fun?
I’m a huge fan of the outdoors! A nice hike or a hammock is my favorite. In the spring/summer I take on gardening; making a garden really inspires you to be “healthy” and motivated. It’s the most rewarding thing at the end of the season to harvest the food you personally grew on your land. Hard work can be relaxing at the end of it!
You look amazing. What do you recommend for those wanting to keep in shape?
Honestly I have been blessed with a fast metabolism but I highly recommend keeping a good diet to keep those healthy thoughts. What you feed your body really affects your mental health as much as your physical health. Finding things you enjoy and exercise will also keep those ‘healthy thoughts’ flowing.
What would you consider your sexiest, strongest attribute? What do people compliment you most on?
My personality. I am 100% myself 100% of the time. There is no time to be something you are not. Be the goofball you are inside, be honest, don’t fear what others may think based on what you have to say.

Anything about your heritage, ethnicity, or nationality that you feel people would like to know?
My mom was adopted therefore I dont really know too much about her side of the family. My dad’s side stems from France. Other than that, I have no other info to share on that topic.
Please share something about yourself that may surprise others. What is the most adventurous thing you have ever done?
In 2015 I went to a 3rd world country called Nicaragua. It was the most perspective changing experience in my life to this date. I can be very misunderstood in our country of America because we have so many luxuries that most people take for granted.
While I was there for 2 and a half weeks; we tore down an old ‘mud hut’ and rebuilt a house for a family of 12. It was a 1 room brick home with a dirt floor and a tin roof. The family shared absolutely everything. They offered us water, food, assistance to help build their home; they’re just so genuine and would offer the shirts off their backs even though they come from nothing.
I watched a 4 year old boy beg for food and then run off to his family to share the little food he received. It’s so sad; the whole world needs a perspective change. People who come from nothing are often the most genuine humans you will ever meet. It is hard for me to be part of a country that only worries about politics when there are actual people that need our help. My trip to Nicaragua was a refreshment, it altered the way I look at daily life and everyday people. I can’t express enough how much love is needed to change the world.
What are your dreams and goals and ambitions?
If you don’t know by now, I want to change the world; even if it’s one life at a time. Modeling is a dream of mine but only because I want to help inspire those to do better and be the best versions of themselves.
Also Read :
- I don’t take any crap : Lainie Holleman
- Elon Musk Inspires me, his ridiculous work ethic is unrivalled : Lydia Jane
- Don’t sign exclusively with any agency unless they can provide jobs : Anais Zanotti
- Modeling Is In My Blood : Ana Braga
If you were in a magical machine that could transport you to any place and time imaginable, where would you love to be? Why?
I honestly have no idea. I am where I am today because everything that has ever happened in the past. I wouldn’t change a single thing. But if I could transport anywhere, I would probably pick Peru; I was supposed to go there summer of 2020 but COVID hit and ripped away that opportunity. I can’t wait to see the world through their eyes and adventure all the places of culture!!
Please share a guilty pleasure with us.
I LOVE ANIMALS! I feel so connected with nature and wildlife, that’s why you can always find me outside flowing in the wind in the sunshine!
What’s one thing about yourself that everyone should know?
I refuse to put up with inconsiderate people. If you’re not genuine and polite then you’re not worth my time.
Do you have any favorite quotes that you would like to share?
The answer to life is love. Perfect unity.Where no child feels unwanted, a place of confident security. There’s no problem because true genuine love doesn’t challenge the worthy. Everyone true is worthy.-Myself
What does being published in this Modelz View magazine mean to you?
It’s another step towards my dream therefore i’m very grateful for the publication!
Note : This interview was first published in Modelz View Magazine April 2021 part II issue 215 along with her Beautiful photoshoot. don’t forget to check it out .
Gaia Rae Wiki
Name | Gaia Rae |
Gender | Female |
Age | 22+* |
Height | 5’3’’ |
Bust | 34B |
Waist | 24 |
Hips | 35 |
Place of Birth | Pennsylvania |
Lives In | New York,United States |
Gaia Rae Social Media
@gaiarae | |
NA | |
NA | |
Onlyfans | NA |
Patreon | NA |
Gaia Rae Photo Gallery
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